APEX Phone Test

This is a direct crosspost from this thread on the APEX forums but I'm hoping for as much feedback as I can get as quickly as possible. Please leave comments on the forum thread, thanks Carl.

Hey everybody if you have a chance can you test this small application on the Apex Beta instance on your phones or small footprint device. it's an index page, a report and a form , very basic but functional.


I'm focusing on Windows Mobile 5,6 and 6.1 devices , sorry that's just what the percentages tell me. Though please feel free to try other devices and or third party mobile browsers.

This is a test of a two different things.

1. The basic layout of Theme 19 (don't worry it will get a bit more colorful before release) to make sure it can be accessed in a majority of Windows Mobile browsers.

2. Suppressing built in javascript and CSS to minimize page weight!

Please leave comments in the application or on this thread, I will update this thread when I update the application.

Here's a couple to questions and answers before they are asked.

Q: That theme is plain!
A: Yes it is a very plain theme, The theme is based on minimizing both page weight and weight of external CSS.

Q: Why is the logout going to be on the bottom, plus logout doesn't work!
A: I'm trying to follow good elements of mobile design as closely as I can. http://www.w3.org/2007/02/mwbp_flip_cards#design_for_one_web
The logout doesn't work because I didn't want to slow your testing down.

Q: I just bought this very expensive iPhone thing and have seen websites specifically built for it that look and act way better than this.
A: The iPhone is very nice and you will be seeing examples of a theme and application, for it in the future, it works great but sites need to be specifically built for it to make them super iPhone'y cool.
This is a generic theme meant to work on as many mobile devices as possible.



  1. all about me said...
    Carl, tried your apex beta site and it seems to be down. "service unavailable"...
    Anonymous said...
    A theme specifically for iPhone and, even more importantly, for iPad would be extremely useful and strategically right.

    The proliferation of iPhones has been exceptional and the iPads are expected to specifically fill in business app areas where a tablet is important, such as point-of-sale, point-of-care, field-oriented apps. Combined with Apex's ability to build web-based business apps quickly, any effort to combine the two technologies would open up enormous opportunities.

    buy viagra said...
    do you need to hear feedback from windows mobile 6.5 and iPad, I can test APEX on these devices. Let me know
    pay per head call center said...
    Wonderful information. I will go to share this to my friends...

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