Well I finally broke down and started writing up the documentation for the Javascript API.


I started on this application last week as an way to start cleaning up our library for the next release and figured hey I can kill 2 birds with one stone!

I can give users the documentation they want, I can easily see where overlaps ,notice the 4 different shortcuts for setting a value :).

I even added in a nifty AJAX commenting system , well AJAX after the first post, for each function so people can add comments links and such for their own examples, actually I like the commenting system so much I'm going to add it to my Samples Application next week so people can comment on my examples.

Well if your interested you can keep checking back on that application to see how the it's progressing, I'm aiming to have a first cut of the documentation done by next Friday but as usual it depends on how many things pop up between now and then.

So you want your PDF printing but playing with JSP's and java libraries isn't your thing. Well there is another way to setup PDF and RTF output. The key is in the cryptic last paragrach of the APEX + PDF howto

Other XSL-FO Processing Engines

If you prefer to use another XSL-FO Processing Engine, you will need to create an endpoint that provides similar functionality to the example JSP provided for the Apache FOP example above.

Well I do prefer another XSL-FO Processing engine which is Apache Cocoon and Apache Tomcat. Cocoon is my favorite web framework other than APEX of course and I've used them together on many occasions.

Instead of a long drawn out howto I instead created this viewlet to show you the steps of the process.

The files you will need can be found through these links.




APEX and Cocoon Viewlet

If you have any questions please feel free to leave some comments but I think the setup and usage is very simple.

Get your Collaborate on.

So I was really planning on just showing up for the party. But all the paperwork is complete and I will actually working the APEX booth at COLLABORATE 07 plus probably helping out with one of the presentations.

So if your there stop by and say hello, I'll be the frantic guy desperately trying to brush up on my people skills and talk slower than my normal 100 miles an hour.

Code Monkey!

So I've heard about this before but never actually seen or heard it and it's hilarious!

Special thanks to Kris Rice of SQL Developer fame for helping me waste 10 minutes of my time. It would have been less but the Code Monkey Ukulele Remix is equally hilarious and then of course I had to write this entry so lets just call it an even 15 min.

Using the rpm's available here http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page I get IE 6 5.5 and 5 running on Linux. Truthfully I only really care about IE 6 and soon that will switch to only caring about IE 7. And while I still need to do a proper QA of my sites and applications on a windows machine with the full browsers this cuts down the time I have to deal with that OS to a minimum.