Extra polish

Well if there is one thing I know in a web application many times it's the details that count.

So here are two quick links to help out with some of the smaller graphic details that sometimes make a difference, especially when your like me and are graphically challenged.

1. Create your AJAX loading graphic http://www.ajaxload.info/

A nice loading graphic for your AJAX requests customized for you applications look and feel is always nice.

2. Create Striped Backgrounds

Striped backgrounds (for page or region headers usually) are nice because they are fairly small graphics which equals fast downloads. While you can end up with some pretty garish designs used properly you can get a nice look for minimal page weight.


  1. Bill Ferguson said...
    Cool site for the graphics Carl. That's for the link. I've now got a cool little graphic showing when the users click the search button.

    Thanks for the link and the example javascript.

    Bill Ferguson
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